Reiki is an ancient holistic medicinal system that cures varieties of diseases within a short period. A person practicing Reiki should hold valid license and certifications. Unlike acupuncture, the treatment procedure involves gentle touch and transfer of divine energy.
You must select a reputed Reiki Healing Dubai that maintains high standard of services.
The patient undergoing treatment will sit on a chair comfortably. The healer will touch his body gently and transfer the divine or holistic energy. Number of sittings differ according to patient’s health condition. There is no side-effects or complications involved in Reiki treatment.
Children and adults will benefit extensively from Reiki. It cures simple and chronic diseases. There is no prescriptions, needles, medicines or diet restrictions in Reiki Healing Dubai. You will start seeing positive changes in body postures, behavioral patterns, attention and concentration. When you undergo divine Reiki treatment in branded Reiki clinic, you will regain the lost strength and confidence.
The learnt Reiki masters will treat the patient with utmost care and kindness. Reiki balances life’s vital force and Chakras. Your mind becomes silence as soon as you undergo Reiki treatment. You can also learn meditation and relaxation techniques from the Reiki master.