• Sat. May 18th, 2024

Does comprehensive physiotherapy treatment cure lumbar diseases?

BySimson Arulandu

Mar 10, 2023

Athletes and sports personalities fall prey to bone and joint problems since they indulge regularly seriously in sports activities. They also fall prey to slip and fall, back injuries and bone and joint diseases. You can recover from all types of muscular and nervous disorders when you undergo full-fledged physiotherapy treatment in dubai.

The physiotherapy treatment in dubai comes with best package. The number of sittings differ from patient to patient. It depends upon the nature and seriousness of the diseases, intensity of the pain and duration of the diseases.

If you are suffering from lumbar diseases like disc prolapse, shoulder and neck pain the physiotherapist will suggest best treatment plans like Ayurvedic massage. The branded physiotherapy centers have a team of experienced masseurs. They will do varieties of massages like panchakarma and abhyangam on the patients suffering from lumbar problems.

You must do simple yoga exercises every day to see positive changes in your body posture. When you do yoga daily, you can shed few pounds and look fit within a short time. When you lead a sedentary lifestyle many diseases like heart, lung and kidney diseases will crop up. When you do yoga under the supervision and guidance of learnt yoga masters, you will start losing weight quickly.